We hear you: accessing children's mental health services is hard. This must-have resource is a simple way to understand how families can find help for their children.

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Did you know that kids often experience 11 years of emotional distress
before they receive treatment?
Did you know a parent's perceptions about mental health care highly
predicts whether a child receives initial treatment?
(Source: OCMH 2020 Fact Sheet Prioritizing Children's Mental Health)
Parents, mental health providers, and advocates helped to create this guide. Here is one parent's perspective on why this tool matters:
a child with challenges can be frustrating – Parents have to shift the family
into understanding the support that’s needed for that child. The heart of the
family life begins when we become more aware and understanding, and when we
become honest about our lives. The Accessing Children’s Mental Health Services
tool helps bring awareness, understanding, and balance to families.
Shenika Moss, Co-Founder of All Dreams Have a Destiny, Lived Experience Partner with the Wisconsin Office of Children's Mental Health
Healing is a journey...

The Feelings Thermometer can bring awareness to feelings and offer calming strategies for everyone.
Statewide organizations who can help families are listed on the second page of the Accessing Services tool.
Could you display a poster of this guide in your school or community center? Are there families or staff who could benefit from a laminated version of the Accessing Children's Mental Health Services tool? Please contact OCMH@wi.gov to see if a printed copy is available for you.
Additional resource that may be of interest:
Child Mind Institute - Should I Get Care for My Child?
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