About Collective Impact

​​​The Office of Children's Mental Health (OCMH) follows a collective impact model to accomplish its work to convene stakeholders around improving the children's mental health system and access to treatment.

Collective impact is the commitment of a group of people from different sectors that come together around a common agenda to solve a specific social problem, using a structured form of collaboration.  ​

There are five characteristics of collective impact:

  • Common Agenda – Keeps all parties moving towards the same goal
  • Common Progress Measures – Measures that get to the true outcome.
  • Mutually Reinforcing Activities – Each expertise is leverage as part of the overall.
  • Continuous Communications – Allows a culture of collaboration.
  • Backbone Organization – Takes on the role of managing collaboration.

OCMH serves as the backbone for our collective impact work. Our collective impact focus is Social Connectedness of Youth.​

OCMH brings together people and organizations across sectors in Wisconsin that are interested in children's mental health. OCMH's Children's Mental Health Network​​ is a large, broad group that brings people and organizations interested in children's mental health in Wisconsin together to explore innovative ways to address children's mental health in our state. 

Sign up to join OCMH's Children's Mental Health Network here to be notified of the meetings.​

OCMH's Advisory Council is a children's mental health leadership group that provides guidance to OCMH.


Prior OCMH Collective Impact Teams have included:

  • Four Social Connectedness of Youth focused teams – Cultural Identity/Community, two Family Teams, and Supportive Adult.
  • Initial teams – Access, Infant Toddler, Resiliency, and Trauma-Informed Care.

​We welcome organizations and people working in areas connected to children's mental health to join this effort for increased collaboration and coordination. For more information about the Children's Mental Health Collective Impact work, please contact us at OCMH@wisconsin.gov.
