Tracy Loken Weber

Committees, Councils, Workgroups you serve on​: 

  • OCMH Lived Experience Partners and Co-Chair
  • Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup
  • TARP Executive Committee

Why do you serve as a CIP? As an adoptive mother of three special needs children all who struggle with mental health, I want to help advocate for other families and children who need short-term and long-term support.  It is my sincere hope that as our shared Lived Experiences are heard, systemic changes in access, understanding, education and transparency can be truly heard and sincerely understood. 

Why is it important? As mental health needs continue to rise, we need to advocate for families and children who are in desperate need of services. Together may our voices help educate, advocate and inform all levels of social services, human welfare, medical and educational institutions. 

What is one personal goal? To make collective impact in Higher Education and K-12 Education. 

What is your number one goal for systems change? Transformation through education and sharing of Lived Experiences.

Family: Thomas (husband) and five adopted and amazing children Hannah, Mario, Samiyrah, Naiyelli and Emma​

Passions / Hobbies / Fun Facts: Crafting, Baking, Cooking, Movies, Music and Reading