What is this card?
The Mental Health Crisis Card tells people who are with a youth, or adult, experiencing a mental health crisis what to do immediately, in the first five minutes, to de-escalate the situation. The card is completed by the person carrying it and includes calming strategies and what works and what hurts in crisis situations.
Why should I use it?
We believe when individuals are empowered to make their calming strategies known negative impacts can be reduced or eliminated, and youth and families will feel safe and understood.
You say what works
On your card list the calming strategies that help you.
Please make them clear to understand so when you present the card to someone they will know what you need.
Need help identifying some calming strategies?
Here is a list of example calming strategies:
- Don’t talk to me. I need to be quiet.
- Bring me to a quiet place. Loud noises and crowds make me anxious.
- Let me calm down. I will talk to you when I am ready.
- Talk with a friend/peer.
- Talk to an adult.
- Exercise.
- Call _____________ (list name and phone number)
- Let me draw.
- Let me rip paper.
- Let me bounce a ball.
- Listen to music.
- A cold cloth on my face.
- Scream into a pillow.
- Punch a pillow.
- Being read a story.
- Read a book.
- Let me color.
- Write in a journal.
- Hold ice in my hand.
- Provide male support.
- Provide female support.
- Get a hug.
- Hug a stuffed animal.
- Breathe deep.
- Cry.
- Pace.
- Humor.
- Lie down.
- Rock.