Callie Hauge

Committees, Councils, Workgroups you serve on: 

  • Collective Impact Partner Workgroup
  • Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup
  • Infant Toddler Policy Workgroup
Why do you serve as a CIP? I serve because I am a young parent who has been isolated and left in limbo throughout my daughter’s journey with infant mental health. It is my hope that my lived-experience can help make future processes smoother, more informative, and also less stigmatized for future generations that have to navigate such delicate diagnoses.

Why is it important? Providing lived-experience from a parent’s prospective is important because we are the individuals who live with the reality of raising children with mental health challenges and use the services provided by our communities more often than most decision-makers in our community.

What is one personal goal? To learn how to successfully share my family’s story so it can help those in my community who are experiencing very similar journeys with infant mental health navigate it better.

Family: Mother to two daughters aged 4 & 9 – Engaged to a Special Needs Educator

Passions / Hobbies / Fun Facts: 

I enjoy music, reading, traveling, gardening, and helping making differences in my community.