Andrea Humphrey


Committees, Councils, Workgroups you serve on: 

  • Co-Chair ​​Trauma and Recovery Project Performance Assessment and Continuous Enhancement Committee
  • Children’s Mental Health Collective Impact Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup
  • Children’s Mental Health Collective Impact (CMHCI) Executive Council
Why do you serve as a CIP? To change stigmas around youth mental/behavioral health and be a part of lasting systems change to help all the kids and families in my community.

Why is it important? There are big deficits in the current systems for accessing care and our children are our future, I want a better world for them.

What is one personal goal? Balancing work, family, and self-care.​

What is your number one goal for systems change? To see more in-school mental health resources utilized.

Family: Middle of three girls. Mom of one boy and foster mom to many.

Passions / Hobbies / Fun Facts: 
  • Gardening, hiking, canoeing, stained glass
  • Nonprofit business owner
  • WI Humane Society Foster Family