Terri DeGaro

Committees, Councils, Workgroups you serve on:

I worked for the Wisconsin Promise Grant since its inception as a Recruiter, PIC and Family Advocate. I have been active with Wisconsin Facets, Parent 2 Parent, the West Allis Drug and Alcohol Coalition, PTA, and Mental Health America of Wisconsin Milwaukee Coalition for Children's Mental Health. 

Why do you serve as a CIP? I am a parent with a special needs child. I understand and empathize with the stress a parent of a special needs child deals with. My specialty training is in ADHD; as a parent I have faced some of the challenges with this disorder.

Why is it important? A parent can only do the best they can with the information they have. I believe in helping parents get the resources and knowledge needed to effectively advocate for their children to make their lives better.

What is one personal goal? To be better prepared financially for retirement.

What is your number one goal for systems change? To have schools be aware of bullying and the devastating effects it has on youth and their families. To also make sure schools, police officers, firemen, EMT's are better trained on how to know when a person has either mental health or special needs. So that the person is taken care of to the best of their ability. 

Family: Husband and Son
Passions / Hobbies / Fun Facts:

  • I love reading and doing craft projects.