These are bite-sized insights on youth mental
health. The Data Bites share statistics, trends, and research findings intended
to elevate the mental health issues facing Wisconsin’s youth. They are meant to
be shared, and we invite you to use the OCMH Data Bites in your work.

Bullying & Belonging
| 54% of high school girls say bullying is a problem at school.
Hunger & Youth Mental Health
| 30% of high school students who are food insecure seriously considered suicide.
Lack of Treatment
| Half of Wisconsin kids with mental health conditions receive no treatment.
School Mental Health
| The majority of kids who get mental health treatment get it at school.
| Self-harm spikes in September and January coinciding with return-to-school periods.
Special Health Care Needs
| 56% of children with special health care needs also have a mental health condition.
Suicide by Firearm
| 80% of firearm suicides by kids involve a family member's gun.
Youth Crisis
| Roughly 12,090 Wisconsin high school students seriously considered suicide.
Interested in exploring more data on children's mental health?
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