Becky Krisko

Committees, Councils, Workgroups you serve on​: 

  • Access Workgroup
  • Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup
  • Partners in Policymaking

Why do you serve as a CIP? Lived experience is essential in providing appropriate and beneficial programs for the target audience. There are trials in almost every product or service for humans. Children’s mental health is no different.

Why is it important? Mental health is important for all people. It is important for our kids and families so we can continue to be a part of our communities.

What is one personal goal? I’d like better access, and more appropriate mental health programs for individuals that have co-morbid mental health diagnoses and autism.

What is your number one goal for systems change? I’d like to reduce the stigma around mental health throughout the systems. We, as people, are part of; schools, health systems, government, etc.

Family: Two children and a husband on the autism spectrum.